
Corona declares war over budget

Chief Justice Renato Corona

MANILA — Chief Justice Renato Corona on Thursday accused the Aquino administration and its congressional allies of making “insidious attempts” to undermine the independence of the Supreme Court by tightening the purse strings on the judiciary.

“Never before has the entire judiciary, even in the days of martial law, been subjected to so much disrespect and lack of civility from sectors we sincerely consider partners in nation-building,” he said in his speech at the annual Philippine Judges’ Association Convention held at the New World Hotel in Makati City.

“I mince no words and I speak of nothing else but the insidious attempts to undermine, destroy even, the independence of the judiciary through such means as forcing us to beg for the funds guaranteed to us by the Constitution or the repeated threats of impeachment based on a distorted and power-tripping interpretation of ‘breach of public trust,’” he added.

Corona said that while the judiciary has neither the power of the sword nor the power of the purse, it will nonetheless not hesitate to exercise its power to “strike down what is illegal, unconstitutional and patently immoral.”

“Right is right. Wrong is wrong. In the Supreme Court, under my watch, right will always find a sanctuary and wrong will never find refuge. Let not those who pervert democracy and the Constitution for their selfish political ends mistake our judicial decorum, wisdom of silence and sense of dignity as signs of weakness, for nothing can be farther from the truth,” he said.

Corona was in fighting form as he spoke with reporters at the sidelines of the convention.

“Ito lang ang sasabihin ko: Bato-bato sa langit, ang tamaan ay siguradong magagalit,” he said.

Corona said the past few months have been especially difficult and trying for him with the Supreme Court having to haggle with the executive and the legislative branches for the approval of the P15-billion proposed 2012 budget for the judiciary.

The SC was contesting the transfer of close to P2 billion of its budget allocation to the miscellaneous personnel benefits fund (MPBF) proposed by the Department of Budget and Management, saying the Constitution has guaranteed fiscal autonomy for the judiciary.

The magistrates had been threatened with impeachment by lawmakers for decisions it rendered in some controversial cases, such as the 16 cityhood laws, and its recall order on the supposed final decision declaring as illegal the retrenchment of some 1,400 Philippine Airline employees.

Corona on Wednesday lashed at critics for being too hasty in attacking the tribunal for the recall of its September 7 resolution in the case of Flight Attendants and Stewards Association of the Philippines (Fasap).

Corona urged them instead to examine closely the court’s action on the case as well as the circumstances attending the recall of the resolution.

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said he thinks Corona is just using the budget cut to sidestep the issue on the Fasap case.

“I don’t know why Chief Justice Corona would use this particular issue. I think it’s not the proper time for him to say that. This has been going on for several weeks. It’s only now when the Fasap case was brought up that he’s issuing a statement on the budget of the judiciary,” Lacierda said.

“Nag-decide na po ang Senate, nag-decide na po ang House na irerespeto ang fiscal autonomy (of the judiciary) provided na magkakaroon po ng quarterly report to the people kung ano ang nangyayari sa mga pondo. These are some things that can be worked out,” Lacierda said.


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